Terms of Use

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Please carefully review the following Terms of Use (“Terms of Use”) before continuing on the Site. These Terms of Use constitute a legal document that governs your use of the Site and any material contained on the Site. By using the Site, you agree to and accept these Terms of Use.

The Site is intended for use only by visitors who are located in the United States.

Ownership of the Site

The Site and all of its contents (including, but not limited to, text, graphics, audio clips, logos, buttons, images, downloads, data compilations, software, icons, html codes and xml codes), as well as all copyright, trademark and other rights therein, are owned by our Firm or its third-party information providers and are protected by United States and international intellectual property laws.

Your Right to Use the Site

We grant you a limited, non-transferable right to view, store, bookmark, download and print pages of the Site solely for your personal, non-commercial purposes, provided that if you copy any materials from the Site, you must not remove any copyright or other proprietary notices from such copies.

No Advisory Services

Information posted on this site is for informational purposes only.  Although we may provide data, information, and content relating to financial planning, tax planning, estate planning, and other wealth management topics, you should not construe any such information as tax, legal, or investment advice.  All illustrations are for informational purposes only, and any performance returns referenced are based on past performance and in no way represent a guarantee of future results.  You are responsible for evaluating the information provided to you and any risk and reward associated with the material before making any decision based on data, information, and content on the Site. You acknowledge and agree that our firm is not acting in any fiduciary capacity, nor is any fiduciary relationship created, as a result of your use of, or access to, the Site. Investing carries the risk of loss, including the loss of principal.

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The Site may contain links to third-party web sites. Any such links are provided for your convenience only. We do not, directly or indirectly, control the companies that provide or operate those web sites, and we are not responsible for their practices (including, but not limited to, their privacy practices). We do not make any representations with respect to the contents of any third-party sites or any products, services or information offered on those sites.

SEC Registration

For information related to our registration status, please refer to the Investment Adviser Public Disclosure website at www.adviserinfo.sec.gov, which contains the most recent version of our Firm’s Form ADV.

Reference to registration with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) does not imply that the SEC has endorsed or approved the qualifications of the firm or its respective representatives to provide any advisory services described on the Site or that the Firm has attained a level of skill or training.

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